Wednesday, March 24, 2021

Top 10 Simple Methods to greatly help Ease Asthma

Asthma symptoms cause shortness of breath, chest tightness, congestion, wheezing, and difficulty in breathing. This lung disease affects over 25 million Americans. There are numerous reasons like stress, dust, mold, pollen, and change of weather that will directly aggravate this condition; thus, leading to asthma attacks. Sometimes, it is genetic.

For asthma patients, Pranayam (breathing exercise) Anulom vilom is vital. This breathing exercise may cure 70% of one's asthma. This yoga Kriya clears the atmosphere passages, strengthens the lungs to ensure lungs can pump much more oxygen, and hold air in. This allows the in-patient to breathe easily. This will be a safe and stress reducing process. First couple of weeks, when you start this yoga Kriya, it should be just a little uncomfortable since you currently have a breathing problem. But once you get used to Pranayam, the breath will move freely through the entire body, providing adequate nourishment towards the cells, organs, tissues and glands. This helps reduce chest pain and relieves you of congestion. Sometimes, when you are sick and cannot sit on the floor or on a chair, you might still practice Pranayam slowly while resting straight on your back, and it also really helps.

Practice yoga postures slowly six days a week. Whichever postures you can easily do. This may help release mental stress and the body tension. This also helps fortify the body and mind power. Your body may produce more energy to battle and face your daily physical challenges.

1. Grind horseradish and refrigerate it. Mix a teaspoonful of it with one teaspoonful of honey, and swallow with warm water daily thirty minutes before lunch.

2. Keep a piece of clove in the mouth area to sooth the throat. It helps mucus move easily.

3. Consume hot soups daily to soothe your throat and cleanse gastrointestinal system.

4. To relieve asthma, swallow a crushed garlic clove in the a.m. and p.m. with tepid water.

5. Use a humidifier inside your home to moisturize the environment. It helps calm wheezing.

6. Boil a handful of eucalyptus leaves in an uncovered pot and inhale the steam. This could show to be calming and soothing plus it helps to ease your breath.

7. For asthma patients, exercise and walking with short intervals of rest, is essential. Yoga Shavasan (dead body posture), is highly recommended to relax your thoughts and body completely after any exercising and/ or walking.

8. Consume the juice of one lemon, a teaspoon of honey, and a cup of heated water to calm asthma attack. You may repeat it as needed. If diabetic, then avoid honey and use a little jaggery.

9. Boil crushed ginger (about two-inches) and an item of licorice in three glasses of water. Drink half a cup of this hot ginger tea with a little honey or artificial sweetener if necessary. It will help calm asthma and moves the mucus.

10. Dissolve 2x3" of jaggery in a quart of water and drink right through the day. This helps cleanse the throat. Avoid consuming ice and cold drinks.

Meditation for 5 minutes each day allows us to to feel oneness with all the Source from where we all result from, to try out our role about this temporary stage (the whole world). Rely on miracles, and miracles do happen. Whenever we meditate in solitude, we disassociate ourselves through the outside materialistic world. Focus on your breath while you repeat, "I am a peaceful soul and I also am not this body", and try to associate with "the source". When you perceive you are an immortal soul, you might awaken your awareness and find abundance.

In asthma, practicing Bhastrika and Sitali breathing exercises for just one minute everyday is useful to greatly help our body produce more energy. It maybe a little tough to take a deep breath, hold, and then release. If you can, take short breaths. Keep inhaling and exhaling vigorously, because practicing breathing exercises every single day helps in clearing the air passage plus it strengthens the lungs for pumping much more air. Your lungs may turn retaining air for a couple seconds more. Once we breathe deeply, the air dives deep down in the torso, and energizes the dying cells; thus, making us healthy and energetic.

In asthma, Kapalbhati (breathing exercise) for 5 minutes really helps. Concentrate on exhaling rapidly and continuously. Take one breath per second, with a little force by contracting the abdominal muscles, and you might feel only a little push in your lower back. Once you learn, then increase this to ten full minutes. Be patient and slow. Give it some time, along with your efforts will enable you to get great rewards.

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Top 10 Simple Methods to greatly help Ease Asthma

Asthma symptoms cause shortness of breath, chest tightness, congestion, wheezing, and difficulty in breathing. This lung disease affects ove...